Frank Jons :

“Frank Jons, ardent painter, expresses himself through fluid and colorful painting. His large ensembles composed of saturated chromatic flows fascinate and impose themselves in an immediate plastic structure and force.
Freed from experimental and innovative exploration, from the search for appropriate techniques, he has today mastered the ideal vector allowing his vigorous gestures to express his creative energy in complete freedom.
His art is both an expression which sublimates his present and anchors it in a positive and invigorating reality, a pressing, bubbling, vital expression which allows him to express in a flow that is both controlled and immediate. the very essence of his feelings, his feelings, his being.
He does not hesitate to confront large-scale formats on which, between dog and wolf, often at the blue hour or at the dawn of a new day, they bind and unbind with a chromaticism expressive these filaments which weave the web masterfully intertwining with the pellets in a creative act with cathartic virtues…”
Patricia Sciotti


2023: Cabinet Champ de Mars, Paris

2023: Crestbridge, Luxembourg

2022-2023 : GSK Stockmann, Luxembourg

2022 : Galerie SK, Schifflange (Luxembourg)

2022: Galerie Liehrmann, Liège

2021: Entre Présent et Passé, Galerie Op Der Cap, Luxembourg

2021: Cabinet d’avocats Elvinger Hoss Prussen, Luxembourg

2021: Entreprise H4D, Paris

2020: Uptown Design avec la boutique Paule KA, Bruxelles

2019: Galerie Arts2be, Follow the Light, Wavre

2018: Zones de turbulences, galerie Indépendance, Luxembourg

2017: Cour des comptes européenne, Luxembourg

2016 :TRAJECTOIRES au Pavillon du Centenaire,  Luxembourg

2015: Lycée de Garçons Esch sur Alzette, Luxembourg

2014: Sixthfloor, Luxembourg

2011: La Cinquième Galerie, Paris

2010: Galerie Nosbaum & Reding, Luxembourg


2023: 50 Joer Lëtzebuerger Konscht, Luxembourg

2021-2022: IM-MOBILITY, Galerie Indépendance de la BIL, Luxembourg

2021: What Water ? One for all, Carré Rotondes, Luxembourg

2020: Art2Cure à la Galerie de l’indépendance, Luxembourg

2019: FUELBOX IV, Luxembourg

2019: AWC, Belval Plaz’ART, Luxembourg

2018: AWC, New Painting, Luxembourg

2017: Art2Cure à la Galerie de l’indépendance, Luxembourg

2016: Art2Cure à la Galerie de l’indépendance, Luxembourg

2012: So So Nice At Home, Galerie  Nosbaum & Reding, Luxembourg

2012: Private Art Kirchberg Luxembourg, société KNEIP

2011: ArtParis; solo show Cinquième Galerie (guest: Charles Gassot)

2011: CutLog, Paris

2008: Salon du Cercle Artistique de Luxembourg, Prix Pierre Werner
